SC Code of Law: (http://www.scstatehouse.gov/code/t04c003.php)
SECTION 4-3-80. Berkeley County.
SC Code of Law has not been updated to show this annexation.
SECTION 4-3-100. Charleston County.
thence northeastward following the center line of the Wando River to its intersection with the center line of Guerin's Creek; thence northeastward following the center line of Guerin's Creek to its intersection with the center line of Secondary State Highway 98 (Guerin Bridge Road); thence northward following the center line of Secondary State Highway 98 (Guerin Bridge Road) to its intersection with the center line of the old Halfway Creek Road; thence northeastward following the center line of the old Halfway Creek Road to its intersection with the center line of Lincoln Road; thence southward following the center line of Lincoln Road to its intersection with the center line of Wambaw Creek;
- Boundary Survey of the Lachiotte Tract & Bradley Tract, by Survey Technology, Inc., dated December 7, 2001, Sheets 1-3
- Plat of Land Claimed by Julia Washington, North East of Wando Charleston County SC. Prepared by PLS Bobby M Long dated 02/21/1973 recorded in the Office of Register Mesne Conveyance for Charleston County SC.
- Plat of lot of land owned by The Heirs of John and David Drayton. Prepared by RLS NO.1842 R.D. Geuring dated 11-19-1975 revised 1-7-1976 recorded in the Office of Register Mesne Conveyance for Charleston County SC.
- Plat of Subdivision tract C owned by Elijah Wright and located in St. James- Santee Parish, Charleston County, SC. Prepared by PE & LS No 3357 George D. Sample dated March 11, 1977 recorded in the Office of Register Mesne Conveyance for Charleston County
- Plat of survey of tract of land located in the Christ Church Parish, Charleston County, SC, for the Heirs of Lewis Wright. Prepared by PE & LS No.3357 George D Sample. Dated July 27, 1977 recorded in the Office of Register Mesne Conveyance for Charleston
- A subdivision Plat of 42.707 acres owned by Louis R Andrews Located in Christ Church Parish Charleston County SC. Prepared by PLS No 6517 G. Robert George. Dated April 27 1981 recorded in the Office of Register Mesne Conveyance for Charleston County SC.
- Plat showing the subdivision of a parcel of land known as Tract “C” into two parcels shown as Tract “C-1” and Tract “C-2”, located on Halfway Creek Road in Christ Church Parish Charleston SC Prepared by RLS No 9314 Charles F Dawley Jr. Dated Aug 19 1986
- Plat compiled from F.S. Plat of 4-23-64 and J.P. Edwards (RLS No. 1761) Plat of 10-5-66. Aproved by Archie T. Grant, Forest Engineer, dated 12/13/66, recorded in the Office of Register Mesne Conveyance for Charleston County SC.
- Subdivision plat of 2.86 acres surveyed at the request of Kenneth & Kathleen Drayton. Located in Christ Church Parish Charleston SC. Prepared by RLS No. 10035 William H. Dennis. Dated June 6, 1997 revised Feb 13, 1998 recorded in the Office of Register Me
- Plat showing the subdivision of Tract “A” consisting of 8.11 total acres into Lots A-1 - A-4 on Halfway Creek Road. Located in Christ Church Parish, Charleston County SC. Prepared by RLS No. 9314 Charles F. Dawley Jr. Dated 7-11-2006 revised 11-20-2006
- A plat of a boundary survey of a portion of Fairlawn Tract, located near Green Bay Section, Christ Church Parish Charleston and Berkeley Counties, SC. Prepared by PLS # 5513 Joseph L. McIntyre dated April 8, 2014, recorded in the Office of Register Mesne
- A plat of a boundary survey- Tract C1 & C1-A of the lands owned by Congaree Carton Limited Partnership. Located near Green Bay Section, St. James Parish, Berkeley and Charleston Counties, SC. Prepared by PLS No. 15513 Joseph L. McIntyre dated 11-8-2017
- Boundary Survey of TMS 622-00-00-006 owned by Ventures Trust. Located near Wando Charleston SC. Prepared by RLS No. 14191 Paul C. Lawson Jr. dated January 19, 2016, recorded in the Office of Register Mesne Conveyance for Charleston County SC
- Plat of Tracts A-C of a 15 acre tract located on County Line Rd, North of Wando River Bridge, East of SC HWY NO. 41, Charleston County, SC. Prepared by Harold Lea Edmond PLS No. 2507, dated Nov. 22, 1966, recorded in the Office of Register Mesne Conveyanc
- Plat of a 4.89 Acre Tract situate in Charleston and Berkeley Counties SC, on Halfway Creek RD. Prepared by PLS No. 1375 E.M. Seabrook Jr. dated May 22, 1984 revised January 9, 1990, recorded in the Office of Register Mesne Conveyance for Charleston County
- South Carolina Department of Transportation: Plan and Profile of Proposed State Highway; Berkeley S-100, File 8.400; Charleston S-98, File 10.552; Project ID FH-69-1-(1).
- South Carolina Department of Transportation: Proposed Plans for Halfway Creek Rd S-98; Project ID F.H.-69-1(3); Berkeley & Charleston County From: RD S—133 To: Northeasterly to Rd S-654.
- South Carolina Department of Transportation: Proposed Plans for Halfway Creek Rd S-98; Project ID F.H.69-1(2); Charleston & Berkeley County, from: Road S-598 to Road S-1032.
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