SECTION 4-3-10. Abbeville County.
“…on the southwest by the Savannah River, by which it is separated from Georgia; on the northwest by Anderson County, from which it is separated by a line (the old Indian boundary) drawn from a marked black gum, on the east bank of the Savannah River, at the foot of Grape Shoals, N. 50° E. to a willow oak, marked "A. & P.," on the south side of Saluda River…”
SECTION 4-3-40. Anderson County.
“…on the southeast by Abbeville County, from which it is divided by a line drawn from a marked black gum on the east bank of the Savannah River, at the foot of Grape Shoals, to a willow oak, marked "A. & P.," on the south side of the Saluda River; on the southwest by the state of Georgia, from which it is separated by the Savannah River…”
Read full unannotated text here
- Abbeville-Anderson County Line Power Point Presentation
- South Carolina - Abbeville-Anderson - Draft Report - 2018
- Certified Survey - (Abbeville County Plat Book 78, page 34, Anderson County Plat Book S2545, page 00008)
- 1766 Pickins Survey - Boundary Line between the province of South Carolina and the Cherokee Indian County. Found at the South Carolina Department of Archives and History, <Map 9-11>.
- Robert, and William Robertson. Abbeville District, South Carolina. [1825] Map. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, www.loc.gov/item/2006636168/
- Robert, Scribling, and B, Schelten. Pendleton District, South Carolina. [1820] Map. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, www.loc.gov/item/2007627797/.
- - Plat of property belonging to D.S. Vanderer, by W.L. Mitchell, dated March 30, 1927.
- Plat surveyed and compiled at the request of William S. Brissey and George V. Harris, by Don M. Kelly, dated August 15-September 15, 1990.
- Plat prepared of a tract of land surveyed at the request of Joe M. Pruitt, Jr., by Farmer and Simpson.
- - Plat of a tract of land belonging to Boss H. Hall, by Wm. L. Mitchell, dated February 23, 1906, revised November 30, 1917.
- Plat prepared at the request of Steve Mundy, by Newby – Proctor & Associates, dated October 7, 1996.
- Plat of Boundary Survey at the request of Mr. Daniel Lappin, by N. Wayne Reynolds, dated February 12, 1997
- Plat of survey for Della Machen, by Dunn & Dunn, Inc., dated October 24, 2013.
- Plat of three parcels of land belonging to L. Earle Murdock, by W.L. Mitchell, dated December 1919.
- Plat of a tract of land belonging to Ezekiel Hall, by W. L. Mitchell, dated February 22, 1906.
- Plat prepared pursuant to the request of J.A. Sherard Estate, by W.A. Shearer, dated November 25, 1916.
- - Plat of property of James J. Milford, MD, by B.R. Watson, dated February 14, 1970.
- Plat prepared for G.F. McClain, by W.L. Mitchell, dated March 5, 1908, revised November 27, 1935 or 1955.
- Plat prepared for M. Luther Kay & Estee Kay, by Vaughan, dated January 5, 1974.
- Plat showing Tract of Land for Lester G. McCall, by Hugh Martin, dated November 3, 1975.
- Plat prepared pursuant to the request of Mr. Tom Allen, by W.A. Shearer, dated April 15, 1925.
- Plat prepared for A.O. Burriss, by J.R. McClure, dated October 11, 1981.
- Plat prepared for A.O. Burriss, by J.R. McClure, dated October 11, 1981.
- Plat of 2 tracts of land surveyed at the request of Roy Alton Bryson, by Curtis M. Applewhite, dated August 5, 1986.
- Plat of a tract of land surveyed at the request of Eula S. Hall Estate, by Curtis M. Applewhite, dated December 8, 1987.
- Plat of survey at the request of Bill Shirley, by Branyon Bros. & Co., Inc., dated July 29, 2006.
- Plat of Tract B-3, surveyed at the request of Kenny Jeffcoat, by F&S Surveyors Engineers & Planners, Inc., dated September 1, 2006.
- - Plat of six tracts of land surveyed for the S.P. Purdy Estate, by Bryan D. Charlesworth, dated July 8, 1991, revised July 24, 1991
Supplemental Monumentation
- Documentation of Supplemental Monumentation set on Abbeville Anderson County line
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