Abbeville Greenwood County Boundary (Effective Date February 4, 2025)
Abbe Gree Project area
S.C. Code of Law

SC Code of Law:  (http://www.scstatehouse.gov/code/t04c003.php)

SECTION 4-3-10. Abbeville County.

“Abbeville County is bounded as follows: … on the northeast by Laurens County, from which it is separated by the Saluda River, and by Greenwood County; and on the southeast by McCormick County.”

SECTION 4-3-290. Greenwood County.

“Greenwood County is bounded as follows: ... up the middle line of Rocky Creek to the Abbeville and Edgefield County line; thence N. 33  W. to milepost on public road leading from Troy to McCormick near George Lebert's residence; thence N. 13  W. to a corner post 150 feet south of Jordan's old mill on Long Cane Creek; thence N. 50  E. 2 3/4 miles; thence N. 42  E. 2 miles; thence N. 27  50' E. 2 miles; thence N. 13  20' E. 2 miles; thence N. 1  W. 2 miles; thence N. 15  10' W. 2 miles; thence N. 29  20' W. 2 miles; thence N. 43  35' W. 2 miles; thence N. 57  45' W. 1 1/5 miles, to post 400 feet north of Douglas' Mill Bridge on Long Cane Creek; thence N. 7  W. to division line between Long Cane and Cokesbury township; thence up said division line to its crossing of Long Cane Creek; thence up the middle line of Long Cane Creek to its crossing of the division line between Donald's and Cokesbury townships; thence along said Cokesbury and Donald's township division line to the middle line of Saluda River; ...”

Re-Establishment Survey Files

Plat Recordation Information:

Abbeville County: Plat Book 86 Pg. 95

Greenwood County: Plat Book 0164 Pg. 0028

Historical and Reference Documents

Note: See Plat for Geographic Coordinates of Monuments



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