SC Code of Law:
SECTION 4-3-180. Dillon County.
“...the bridge on the river road to a stake X 111 N.; thence N. 75° 56' E. 4,395 feet to a stake X 111 N., at the intersection of Gum Swamp and Cud Swamp; thence up the run of Cud Swamp to the public road leading from L. D. Haselden's to Sellers, to a stake near bridge; thence N. 82° 47' E. 3,061 feet along said road to the town limits of Seller's to a stake; thence N. 10° 26' W. 3,496.5 feet to a stake X; thence N. 87° 43' E. 2,100 feet to a stake X; thence N. 53° 22' E. 1,335 feet to a stake X; thence S. 56° 32' E. 1,107 feet to a stake X; thence N. 82° 30' E. 11,801 feet to a stake; thence N. 69° 40' E. 5,678 feet to an iron stake west side of the Marion and Latta public road near the property now or formerly owned by David Watson; thence N. 88° 30' E. 2,305 feet to an iron stake of the public highway leading from Latta towards Marion, South Carolina, on the old Bryant place, the said roads being the ones heretofore referred to in the original petition setting forth the boundary lines of the proposed new county; thence S. 89° 10' E. 6,940 feet to a stake X; thence S. 68° 72' E. 4,920 feet to a stake X; thence S. 60° 10' E. 20,545 feet to a stake X at east side of railroad; thence N. 51° 37' E. 4,242 feet to its intersection with Buck Swamp; thence down the run of Buck Swamp with its various courses and distances to its junction with Little Pee Dee River; thence a straight line N. 48° 40' E. 17,300 feet to a stake X 111 N.; thence a straight line S. 44° 48' E. 18,924 feet to a cypress tree X 3 N. at the junction of Ash Pole Swamp and Lumber River...”
SECTION 4-3-380. Marion County.
“...on the north by Dillon County...”
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