Chester York County Boundary (Effective Date 12/21/2022)

S.C. Code of Law
SECTION 4-3-120. Chester County.
- “…on the north by a line beginning at a hickory tree on the southwest side of the Catawba River about ten chains above the mouth of Ferrill's Creek and running (nearly 80° west) by an old line called and known by the name of the Line of the New Acquisition to an ash and black gum on the bank of Broad River on Robert Elliott's lands …”
SECTION 4-3-530. York County.
- “…on the south by Chester County from which it is divided by a line beginning at a hickory tree, on the southwest side of the Catawba River, and about 10 chains above the mouth of Ferrill's Creek, and running nearly S. 88° W., by an old line called and known by the name of the line of the new acquisition, to an ash and black gum on the bank of Broad River, on land now or formerly owned by Robert Elliott …”
Re-Establishment Survey Files
- Certified Plat of Survey: recorded in Chester and York County Register of Deeds. Chester: Vol 122, Page 10, York: Plat Book 170, Page 226
Historical and Reference Documents
- Gaston, Wm; McClenahan, Jno. Commissioners To Run The Dividing Line Between York And Chester Counties, Report Of Their Findings, November 14, 1797. Report. (On file with the SC Dept. of Archives and History: Series: S165029 Year: 1797 Item: 00001)
- Boyd. Charles. Actual Survey of the District of Chester dated October 30th, 1818. Map.
- White, H.H.; Stacy, J.L.. Map of School District #5 Surveyed by H.H. White July of 1912 and platted by J.L. Stacy March of 1914. Map.
- Stacy, J.L.. Map of School District #13 Surveyed by J.L. Stacy and dated November 5,6,7 of 1914. Map.
- White, H.H.; Stacy, J.L.. Map of School District #14 Surveyed by H.H. White in 1912 and platted by J.L. Stacy May of 1914. Map.
- Head, H.E.; Stacy, J.L.. Map of School District #15 Surveyed by H.E.Head in 1915 and platted by J.L. Stacy March, 31f 1915. Map.
- Stacy, J.L.. Map of School District #16 Surveyed by J.L. Stacy and dated November 11,12 of 1915. Map.
- Bailey, H.G..; Hendrix, Chas., and Brown, S.R.; True and Correct Plat… Portion of Chester County, South Carolina Proposed to be Annexed to York County dated November 27, 1920. Map. Provided by the South Carolina Department of Archives. (S16608 No.15)
- White, H.H.; Stacy, J.L.. Map of School District #46 Surveyed by H.H. White and platted by J.L. Stacy June of 1915. Map.
- Plan of the Catawba and Broad River with their Waters and the Proposed Boundary Lines between N. and South Carolina. Map.
- Hardin, T.H.. Plat of the Estate of Jno. O. Darby, by T.H. Hardin, dated Nov. 22, 23, & 24, 196 and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Chester County in Deed Book 149, Page 793. Plat.
- West, Robert Jerald L. The 1868 Township Law and York County, South Carolina, 1996. Broad River Basin Historical Society, Provided by the York County Library.
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