-Section 4-3-420. Oconee County:
“…on the east by Pickens County…”
“… It is the intent of this section to establish the new top‑soil highway as the boundary of Pickens and Oconee Counties …”
Section 4-3-440. Pickens County:
“… west by Oconee County by a line more particularly described in Section 4‑3‑420 setting forth the boundary line between Oconee and Pickens Counties …”
-Section 4-3-450. Pickens County: (1966 Annexation Oconee to Pickens)
“… That portion of Stone Church area in Oconee County which was the subject of an election held November 8 1966, by the commissioners of election of Oconee County, the results of which election were favorable to the annexation, and the General Assembly having found that all provisions of the Constitution of South Carolina, 1895, governing the alteration of county lines having been satisfactorily complied with, is hereby transferred to Pickens County and annexed to that county. The proper proportion of the existing county indebtedness of the area so transferred shall be assumed by the county to which the area is transferred…”
- Certified Plat of Survey Signed by Jacob J. Braxton PLS# 43366 on 2/3/2025
- Final project map for the Department of the Army Office of the Savannah District Engineer South Atlantic Division, Lake Hartwell. Dated Oct. 3, 1957.
- Clemson University Boundary Survey. Surveyed by Lavender, Smith & Associates, Inc., dated 8/3/21. Recorded at the office of Pickens County Register of Deeds Book 613 Page 277.
- Map of Clemson College Properties, by Robinson Engineering Service dated June 1962
- Map of proposed annexation to Anderson County from Oconee County dated April 1910.
- Portion of Oconee County to be Annexed to Pickens County, surveyed by duly appointed surveyors by the Commission Appointed by the Governor of South Carolina. Dated Sept. 23, 1966. Recorded at the office of Pickens County Register of Deeds Book 15 Page 43.
- Plat of Clemson University Golf Course Property, compiled plat of Corps of Engineers Leased Property. Surveyed by Stevens & Wilkinson of South Carolina Inc., dated Jan, 20, 1994. Recorded at the office of Pickens County Register of Deeds Book 65 Page 102.
- Compiled plat of 284.32 Ac. Prepared at the request of Clemson University. Surveyed by Farm & Simpson Engineers, dated Jan 20, 1997. Recorded at the office of Pickens County Register of Deeds Book 274 Page 19.
- Plat of portion of Pickens County proposed addition to Anderson County S.C., dated May 1910.
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