SECTION 4-3-70. Beaufort County.
“…point on Manigaults Neck where the land line dividing the land now or formerly owned by the Chelsea Club from the land now or formerly owned by Fripp intersect the center line of said creek or waterway; thence following said land line to its intersection with the Fripp public road; thence following the Jasper County side of the said Fripp public road to its intersection with the Hazel road; thence westward following the Jasper County side of said Hazel road to its intersection with a public road at or near Hazel Episcopal Church; thence westward following the Jasper County side of said public road to its intersection with the Charleston and Savannah turnpike; thence following the Jasper County side of the said turnpike to a point opposite its intersection with the southern boundary line of the land now or formerly owned by the Okeetee Club; thence across said road to said boundary line; thence westward following said line to the center line of the New River;…”
SECTION 4-3-320. Jasper County.
“…a point on Manigaults Neck where the land line dividing the land now or formerly owned by the Chelsea Club from the land now or formerly owned by Fripp intersect the center line of said creek or waterway; thence following said land line to its intersection with the Fripp public road; thence following the Jasper County side of the said Fripp public road to its intersection with the Hazel road; thence westward following the Jasper County side of said Hazel road to its intersection with a public road at or near Hazel Episcopal Church; thence westward following the Jasper County side of said public road to its intersection with the Charleston and Savannah turnpike; thence following the Jasper County side of the said turnpike to a point opposite its intersection with the southern boundary line of the land now or formerly owned by the Okeetee Club; thence across said road to said boundary line; thence westward following said line to the center line of the New River;…”
SECTION 4-3-75. Beaufort County; Jasper County area transferred to Beaufort County.
(A)(1) The following described portion of Jasper County is transferred and annexed to Beaufort County:
All that area consisting of approximately 5.95 acres of land more specifically identified and described on those certain plats of survey prepared by Cornerstone Surveying and Engineering, Inc. for the South Carolina Geodetic Survey, R. David Branton, Professional Land Surveyor, entitled "A Plat of a Portion of the Beaufort-Jasper County Line" dated June 15, 2016, and being on file in the South Carolina Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Office and recorded in the Beaufort County Register of Deeds Office in Plat Book 145, pages 162-173, and in the Jasper County Register of Deeds Office in Plat Book 0035, page 0083.
SECTION 4-3-325. Jasper County; Beaufort County area transferred to Jasper County.
(A)(1) The following described portion of Beaufort County is transferred and annexed to Jasper County:
All that area consisting of approximately 22.34 acres of land more specifically identified and described on those certain plats of survey prepared by Cornerstone Surveying and Engineering, Inc. for the South Carolina Geodetic Survey, R. David Branton, Professional Land Surveyor, entitled "A Plat of a Portion of the Beaufort-Jasper County Line" dated June 15, 2016, and being on file in the South Carolina Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Office and recorded in the Beaufort County Register of Deeds Office in Plat Book 145, pages 162-173, and in the Jasper County Register of Deeds Office in Plat Book 0035, page 0083.
- Certified Boundary Plats: (Jasper County Plat Book 0035 page 0083, Beaufort County Plat Book 145 pages 162-173)
- Jasper County Plat Book 3, page 99 - Map of Land owned by J.A. Coleman, by Howard Wiswall, dated June and July of 1942.
- Map from 1950 Annexation - § McCrady Jr., John; Fripp, Harry M.; Pollard L.W.. Map of Yemasee Township for Proposed Annexation to Jasper County, S.C. Map. Provided by the South Carolina Department of Archives and History.
- Map of Proposed New County of Jasper - § Hamby, Theod. C.. Map of Proposed New County of Jasper out of Hampton and Beaufort Counties. Map. Provided by the South Carolina Department of Archives and History, <Series S166001>.
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