Stats Block Title
Annual Wireless Emergency Surcharge Fee
Statistics Elements
Description of Statistic
For Year 2025
Statistic (Integer, Decimal, Percentage)
Fee Calculation
S.C Code of Laws §23-47-50(F)

Pursuant to §23-47-50(F), A monthly 911 charge is levied for each Commercial Mobile Radio Service (CMRS) connection with a place of primary use in South Carolina as defined by the Federal Mobile Telecommunications Sourcing Act (4 U.S.C. 124C8), to include: (a) the residential street address or the primary business street address of the customer, and (b) within the licensed service area of the home service provider. The amount of the levy must be approved annually by the Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Office at a level not to exceed the average monthly landline telephone (local exchange access facility) 911 charges paid in South Carolina. The Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Office and the committee may calculate the CMRS 911 charge based upon a review of one or more months during the year preceding the calculation of landline telephone (local exchange access facility) charges paid in South Carolina.

Under §23-47-68, a prepaid wireless 911 charge is imposed in the amount equal to the average 911 charges calculated pursuant to §23-47-50(F) (above).  

Annual Wireless 9-1-1 Fee Calculation

The average monthly landline telephone (local exchange access facility) 9-1-1 charges paid in South Carolina is the statutory cap at which the wireless 9-1-1 fee can be set.  Calculating the statutory cap relies upon the cooperation of all 50 local jurisdictions. Each year, RFA must collect landline information from each jurisdiction for the month of July. The information must include the number of landline subscribers in each jurisdiction or the amount of landline 9-1-1 surcharges collected in each jurisdiction for the month of July. By collecting this data, RFA can calculate the total number of landline subscribers in South Carolina as well as the total amount of landline 9-1-1 surcharges collected in the state. The amount of the cap is determined by dividing the total amount of fees collected by the total number of subscribers in the state. The number is calculated out to four decimal places and then rounded down to two decimal places (as to not exceed the average monthly landline telephone 911 charges paid in South Carolina).  Each November, the RFA Board uses the statutory cap to set the wireless 9-1-1 fee for the upcoming year.

Fee Calculation, Cost and Disbursement Documents and Forms
Cost Recovery
S.C Code of Laws § 23-47-65(C)(2)(b)

Pursuant to § 23-47-65(C)(2)(b), the responsibility of RFA is to hold and distribute not more than fifty‑eight and two‑tenths percent of the total monthly revenues in the interest‑bearing account solely for the purposes of complying with the provisions of this chapter and the strategic plan. These funds may be utilized by the office, the PSAPs, and the CMRS providers licensed to do business in this State for the following purposes in connection with compliance with this chapter and the strategic plan including, but not limited to: acquiring, upgrading, maintaining, programming, and installing necessary data, networks, services, hardware, and software. Invoices detailing specific expenses for these purposes must be presented for approval to the Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Office in connection with any request for reimbursement, and the request must be approved by the Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Office, upon recommendation of the committee. Any invoices presented to the Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Office for reimbursements of costs not described by this section may be considered by the board, but only upon unanimous approval of the committee, but in no event shall reimbursement be made for costs inconsistent with the strategic plan.

Cost Recovery Documents and Forms