Charleston/ Dorchester County Boundary (Ashley to Sawmill)
SC Code of Law: (
SECTION 4-3-100. Charleston County: ....thence following the ordinary high-water line on the eastern bank of said river to a point on the ordinary high-water line of the eastern bank of the Ashley River 472 ft. west of the point where Sawpit Creek enters the Ashley River; thence from said point on a true bearing of N 22� 38' 39" E along a ditch on the eastern boundary of Archdale Hall subdivision and onward for a total distance of 248.61 chains to a concrete monument marked "CHAS/DOR"; thence on a true bearing of N 42� 15' 31" W to a point of intersection with the property line of Monroe E. and Winifred J. Hartzog; thence northeastward 800 ft. following the property line of Monroe E. and Winifred Hartzog to a point of intersection with the property line of James C. and Mary Palmer; thence southeastward following the property line of James C. and Mary Palmer for 406 ft. � thence northeastward to a point on the north side of Secondary State Highway S10-1120 (Jamison Road); thence eastward following the northern boundary of Secondary State Highway S10-1120 (Jamison Road) to its intersection with the northwestern boundary of Secondary State Highway S10-76 (Ladson Road); thence following the northwestern boundary of Secondary State Highway S10-76 (Ladson Road) to the intersection of the northwestern boundary of Secondary State Highway S10-76 (Ladson Road) and the southwestern boundary of Secondary State Highway S10-881 (Lincolnville Road); thence northwestward, a distance of 9,700 ft. � following the southwestern boundary of Secondary State Highway S10-881 (Lincolnville Road) to a point; thence southwestward 5,400 ft. � to a point; thence northwestward 550 ft. � to a point; thence southwestward 600 ft. � to a point; thence northwestward on a true bearing of N 42� 15' 31" W to the center line of Sawmill Branch, 51.1 chains southwest of the southwestern right-of-way line of the Norfolk Southern Corporation (measured in a straight line); thence from this point following the center line of Sawmill Branch to its intersection with the southeastern right-of-way line of Richardson Avenue; thence from this point southeastward along the southeastern right-of-way of Richardson Avenue to its intersection with Owens Road; thence northeastward following the eastern boundaries of Challedon and Meadowbrook subdivisions to a point on the north side of East Third Street North; thence northwestward a distance of 1,200 ft. � to a point; thence northeastward to a point on the north side of U.S. Highway 78 (5th North); thence southeastward following the northern boundary of U.S. Highway 78 (5th North) to a point; thence southwestward a distance of 325 ft. � to a point; thence southeastward a distance of 379 ft. � to a point; thence northeastward a distance of 325 ft. � to a point on the north side of U.S. Highway 78 (5th North); thence a distance of approximately 760 ft. � to a point; thence northeastward a distance of 1,500 ft. � following the property line of the real estate of John Finucan and Maggie F. Peters to a point at which the northeastern corner of Dorchester County intersects with Berkeley and Charleston counties;......
SECTION 4-3-200: Dorchester County: ......and by a straight line running thence to a point upon Saw Mill Branch one mile northeast of the South Carolina and Georgia Railroad, and thence along said branch to the old division line between Colleton and Berkeley Counties; and thence by said old division line to the point where said line intersects the division line between Charleston and Berkeley Counties; on the southeast by Charleston County, from which it is separated by the old division line between Charleston and Colleton Counties to Lowndes' Landing, on Rantowles Creek;.......
SECTION 4-3-210: Dorchester County; portion of Lincolnville area in Charleston County transferred to Dorchester County.
SECTION 4-3-220: Dorchester County; additional area of Charleston County transferred to Dorchester County.
SECTION 4-3-230: Dorchester County; additional area of Charleston County transferred to Dorchester County; designation of area. The portion of Charleston County described below is hereby annexed to and made a part of Dorchester County:
SECTION 4-3-232: Dorchester County; additional area of Charleston County transferred to Dorchester County.
SECTION 4-3-233: Dorchester County; additional area of Charleston County transferred to Dorchester County.
SECTION 4-3-236: Dorchester County; portion of Charleston County transferred to Dorchester County.
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