SECTION 4-3-110. Cherokee County.
Cherokee County is bounded as follows: “…beginning at the mouth of Brown's Branch and running up branch 76.60 chains to near where G. W. Webster now lives or formerly resided, placing his present or former residence in new county; thence S. 75° W. 66.23 chains to rock N. E. corner lot of property now or formerly owned by Pacolet Manufacturing Company at Brown's old mill; thence N. 63° W. 15.70 with line of said lot to rock; thence S. 45° N. 5.73 to maple; thence same course 87 links to Pacolet River; thence with said river upstream 7.36 to stake on Pacolet; thence N. 16° W. property now or formerly owned by H. L. C. Murphy in old county, property known as Hammett property in new county, Hammett School House near crossroads in old county, property now or formerly owned by Miss Mary Brown in new county, 509.80 chains to stake 1 mile east of town of Cowpens; thence N. 24° W. 64 chains to line of Lime Stone township; thence west with Lime Stone township 80 chains to southwest corner of said township; thence N. 116.80 chains with line of Lime Stone township to mark line running N. 24° W.; thence N. 24° W., leaving property now or formerly owned by Joel Petty and property now or formerly owned by Cleveland Gossett in old county, passing through house now or formerly occupied by J. G. Powell, leaving the property now or formerly owned by Andy Norton in Spartanburg County, also house now or formerly owned by Mrs. Price, placing the house now or formerly belonging to Cash and the house now or formerly owned by Fate Martin in new county, passing through the storeroom now or formerly belonging to Finch Martin, but leaving his present or former dwelling house in old county, leaving properties now or formerly owned by John Walker and Mrs. Cudd in Spartanburg County, 785.65 chains to stake on North Carolina line…”
SECTION 4-3-480. Spartanburg County.
“...thence along the western boundary of Cherokee County to the North Carolina state line.”
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