CSV File
Estimated Number of Mobile Homes in South Carolina: 2015-2019, 2017-2021
County Mobile Homes 2015-2019 Mobile Homes 2017-2021
Estimated Number Percent of Total Housing Units Estimated Number Percent of Total Housing Units
South Carolina 371,360 16.2 359,228 15.4
Abbeville 3,202 26.3 2,886 24.8
Aiken 15,145 19.7 13,882 18.1
Allendale 1,339 29.7 1,027 25.1
Anderson 14,658 16.6 14,200 16
Bamberg 2,251 29.2 1,584 23.7
Barnwell 3,482 33 2,930 29.5
Beaufort 9,003 9.1 9,691 9.9
Berkeley 14,986 17.8 15,282 16.7
Calhoun 2,589 34.7 2,429 34.4
Charleston 12,234 6.5 10,899 5.5
Cherokee 6,872 28 6,218 25.2
Chester 3,006 20.4 3,188 21.8
Chesterfield 7,843 36.2 7,453 36.3
Clarendon 6,970 39.1 6,015 37.5
Colleton 7,821 38.9 8,120 40.9
Darlington 8,822 28.6 8,608 29.2
Dillon 4,737 34.4 4,516 35
Dorchester 7,597 12.5 8,002 12.5
Edgefield 2,708 24.7 2,803 25.5
Fairfield 2,980 25.1 2,654 24.2
Florence 11,799 19.4 10,889 18.1
Georgetown 6,656 18.8 7,092 19.8
Greenville 18,297 8.7 18,389 8.2
Greenwood 3,984 12.7 3,932 12.6
Hampton 3,426 37.3 3,224 37.3
Horry 29,218 14.2 28,088 13.9
Jasper 3,563 30 3,695 29.4
Kershaw 7,629 26.2 6,926 24
Lancaster 4,338 11.6 4,776 11.9
Laurens 9,741 31.1 9,530 30.5
Lee 2,531 32.6 2,480 32.7
Lexington 22,866 18.4 22,610 17.8
McCormick 1,344 23.9 1,213 22.5
Marion 4,983 33.2 4,849 33.9
Marlboro 3,551 29.5 3,586 29.8
Newberry 4,631 25.3 4,374 24
Oconee 8,883 22 8,960 22.1
Orangeburg 13,391 31.3 13,055 31.5
Pickens 9,735 17.9 10,281 18.4
Richland 9,379 5.4 8,786 4.9
Saluda 3,098 32.9 3,007 32.4
Spartanburg 17,859 13.8 17,098 12.7
Sumter 11,644 24.2 9,951 21.2
Union 3,067 21.8 2,812 20.8
Williamsburg 6,165 39.8 5,872 39.7
York 11,337 10.6 11,366 10.1

Note: Values represent an average over the five-year period indicated in the column heading.